We have set up a lending library at the Valleyview Residence in memory of Ray Kosan, a long-time participant in the group. During the CoVid-19 pandemic, the physical library is temporarily unavailable.
Hours: the first and third Tuesday of the month from 7:00-9:00 pm, when we have our peer support meetings. There is a wide selection: some new, some contributed, constantly changing. Come to a meeting and check it out.
The procedure is quite simple. If you want to borrow something, take the card out of the pocket, fill it in and put it in the card holder. There is no due date, but please consider that someone else may want to borrow it. To return it, just find the card, add the return date, put it back ion the pocket, and return the item to the bin.
Prostate Cancer Canada, now part of Canadian Cancer Society, has literature on-line. Click here to access.
In addition, we recommend the following:

“Sunlight, Vitamin D, & PC Risk” by P.J. Hyde
“Foods that fight Cancer” by Richard Beliveau, Ph.D and Denis Gingras, Ph.D